Radio Shack "Netogether" Event - Day 1 and Day 2
My female tech blogger buddies from GadgetSpin (Eliane and I in SF, Gina and Ponzi in NYC) have been busy giving tech makeovers for the Radio Shack Netogether. We have had some great tech makeover emergencies - a guy with a cellphone with wooden keys as well as many with old cellphones that don't work, another that goes to the library to use a computer because he does not have one at home, many that either lost or have old camera's that don't work or do not know how to be "hands free" compliant in their cars. For many we had the fun opportunity to give them netbooks, notebooks, digital cameras, video cams, Bluetooth headsets and gift certificates to buy a new cellphone. All of the items we gave out are carried at Radio Shack. The over-riding feeling was that those with old technology need to upgrade their technology to stay connected and mobile with friends and family, homework and to be able to work at home. It was hard when we finished giving out the items we had for that day - because there were so many more in need of tech makeovers.
I am typing this post on a computer that I bought just 2 years ago but that has missing keys and (SHRIEK) only 2GB ram. Because I am constantly multi-tasking - a faster computer would be so helpful (from ramm)! So as I prepared for this segment by learning bout the products, I realized it is time for my own tech makeover! For now, I had fun doing the tech makeovers.
Here are:
- Posts from Eliane Fiolet and Gina Hughes about the event.
- A press release about the event.
- My Whrrl Story from Day 1 of the Radio Shack Netogether.
- Pictures from today:
Ponzi and Gina on the big screen in SF (while they are in NYC).
Gina in NYC showing a netbook just before we gave one away in San Francisco.
San Francisco being displayed at Times Square. On the screen is Eliane and I doing a tech makeover.
We gave a netbook to someone who's daughter is going to college and she want skype.
These ladies all had camera tech issues, so they received three cameras to enable them to have pictures again.
These boys received webcams as part of their makeover. They have a charity organization they work at their school and they need webcams to enable video chat.