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November 17, 2008

Newsflash: Mom Blogger Vacuums The Red Carpet

My Co-Founders and I am thrilled to have met the many dynamic mom bloggers across the Silicon Valley Moms Group network. Yesterday, I had the treat of meeting up with the Los Angeles moms blog for our Launch party (sponsored by GM). The party had a red carpet, mom comedy routines and celeb moms in attendance. I will be posting with more juicy details about our launch party in the next few days at the LA Moms Blog.

Here is a picture (many more will be added) of my fantasy - which was to "vacuum" the red carpet...


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wow Beth, you look great! Although I am pretty sure most moms don't wear fancy black cocktail dresses when they are vacuuming!

Wow! You really do do it all! You look fabulous and I am so appreciative of the wonderful community you have created across the country that resulted from the original SV Moms Blog!

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