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August 27, 2008

I Am Getting My DNC Coverage From MOMocrats!

My husband is in the other room watching the DNC while I read the posts on Momocrats. This is an exciting step for moms and online political influence - they have an official blogger pass to the convention floor and have been spread out covering different events.

Here is their link to:

If you are into podcasts, don't miss out on Momocrats podcasts on BlogTalkRadio.


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Today the convention, tomorrow the world!!

And hey ... you're a MOMocrat, too!!

Today the convention, tomorrow the world!!

And hey ... you're a MOMocrat, too!!

yes, I am a MOMocrat - which is another good reason to get my DNC news from most excellent mom political bloggers of all time (ok, I may be bias!).

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