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February 09, 2008

YES - you too can get FREE software

When I saw the post this morning on Techmeme from the New York Times "Facing Free Software, Microsoft Looks to Yahoo", I was somewhat confused. Why would a company like Microsoft - that makes uggles of money from selling software - want to jump onto the free software bandwagon? This quote from the article describes what may be their strategy:

"But a merger would also allow Microsoft to adapt its empire to compete in a world of low-cost  Internet-centered software."

So - let's talk free software. First of all, there is lots of it out there and many are viable alternatives to software that we are all paying for now. I still use Microsoft Office and many Adobe Products, but also use things like Google Spreadsheets for collaboration. I emailed one of my favorite tech resources - my brother (who happens to be a big open source fan) to send me links of the open source websites he recommends. I also added links to Google and Yahoo sites that have free software available. Considering I have been a techie for years, having all of this free software available is an amazing opportunity. Even if I have to look at some ads to get it... And this is all a step closer to the concept of "cloud computing".

Any sites to add??


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